
Tree fertilization is in effect the adding of certain nutrients back into the soil that trees need for proper development and maturity.

When trees are growing in their natural habitat, in a forest setting, the ground beneath them is vastly different when compared to a tree in a maintained landscape. The forest floor is littered with the growth of the previous year that has fallen off, other plants foliage and occasionally animal remains all of which contribute to the natural abundance of nutrients that is in the soil.  Now, think of the trees that are growing in the middle of a lawn, a park, or even simply near a roadway or driveway. These trees do not get that same benefit of the constant recycling of plant and animal material back into the ground.

This is where a tree fertilizer may be able to help.

Fertilizer is not food for the tree to help it grow; rather with the proper application a fertilizer will help the tree to feed itself which in turn can promote a healthy production of foliage growth. “Healthy production” in this case means that the tree grows at a moderate, natural rate. Having excessive energy in tree growth may seem good but can make trees vulnerable to easy breaks during wind and snow storms and can cause the need for more pruning. This is why tree fertilizing needs to be done at the correct time with the proper supplemental nutrients to encourage that healthy moderate growth.

Mass Stump and Tree Removal can help you with this.

Please Contact for more information and/or to setup an appointment to have your tree Fertilizing needs reviewed.